Monday, November 5, 2012

The Digital Health Record Is Here

A cure for chronic paperwork.
It's easy to make the case for personal electronic health records: a health care system in which everyone has his or her full medical history in a digital format, stored securely in the cloud, where it's always accessible and readily shareable. Such a system would deliver quicker, safer, and higher-quality care than our current system, in which medical histories sprawl piecemeal in scribbled notes locked away in doctors' offices, hospitals, labs, and pharmacies. Consolidate the data in a single record, and there will be fewer errors, less redundant paperwork, fewer unnecessary appointments, and better coordination among providers, patients, and the family members who help care for them.

What's hard, it turns out, is building an electronic health record, or EHR, that people will actually use. Just ask Mohammad Al-Ubaydli. When the doctor/programmer founded the U.K.-based EHR company Patients Know Best four years ago, he had three main competitors: Google, Microsoft, and Britain's National Health Service. Google and the NHS have since pulled the plug; Microsoft's HealthVault hobbles on, although many analysts question how much more effort the software giant will put into the project.

But Al-Ubaydli believes he can succeed. "The big challenge is in lining up everyone," says Al-Ubaydli. "Google and Microsoft thought only patients mattered, so they built a product that was only usable by patients. A patient gets really excited about Google Health, spends three hours entering their data manually, then tries to show their doctor, and the doctor refuses to use it with them. That patient will never again use Google Health." Patients Know Best, by contrast, has been designed to be useful for patients and clinicians, he says. Another key challenge: trust. "Google and Microsoft spent a long time trying to convince people that they would not misuse, resell, or advertise around the data," says Al-Ubaydli. "Not many people believed them." Patients Know Best encrypts all data so that only the patient and whomever the patient chooses can decrypt it.

To get started with Patients Know Best, patients ask an institution, like a hospital network, to transfer their data into a personal account. From then on, the patient controls the record and can invite other providers to collaborate, adding reports, lab results, information on medications, and the like. It's free for patients. Hospitals and doctors in private practice pay subscription fees. "The hospitals pay, because by working with patients in this way, they either save money through efficiencies or make money by attracting more patients with better customer service," says Al-Ubaydli.

Patients Know Best is just getting started: About 20 hospitals in the U.S. and the U.K. use the platform. But Al-Ubaydli says the company is profitable ahead of schedule, and he expects that incentives for doctors to adopt electronic health records will help spur usage. "Every government is heading toward the same big trends of universal health care and payment by result, not activity," he says. "All the incentives are there to improve outcomes by sharing data."

Visit Code Amber Alertag for more information and take charge of your personal health information.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

GTX Corp and LifeSpire are Helping Save Lives and Money by Modernizing the Emergency Health Care System

Los Angeles, California September 20, 2012-GTX Corp (OTCBB: GTXO) Code Amber AlertagTM, a GTX Corp business unit, along with LifeSpire, Inc., continue adding new patients to the Alertag PHR Platform. GTX Corp recently shipped 1,000 additional Alertags to LifeSpire and renewed 500 residents into their secure medical identification platform.

GTX Corp partnered with LifeSpire, a nonprofit dedicated to helping the developmentally disabled. This fortuitous collaboration resulted in the launch of a LifeSpire-branded Alertag that expedites the treatment of persons in need, potentially saving their lives. LifeSpire operates residential facilities for the elderly and disabled in the State of New York with over 5,000 residents and 400 staff. LifeSpire trusts Alertag to store and retrieve critical medical information.

“It’s a powerful tool for an individual to carry,” said Mark van Voorst, Chief Executive Officer of LifeSpire. “If you are unable to speak, are unconscious or simply confused and lost, the first responder will have near real-time access to vital health and medical information that could mean the difference between life and death.”

In furtherance of its mission, GTX Corp has also developed a seamless interface between RX providers and patients that automatically updates the Alertag database whenever a resident's medication changes or a new prescription is filled. This functionality follows major trends in healthcare data management. As Dr. Michael Swiernik, UCLA Director of Medical Information has recently stated, "A big part of where the government is going is to try to make the data flow more freely amongst providers and hospitals so that your data goes with you instead of staying with the hospital or doctor.”

GTX Corp is positioning itself at the forefront of this emerging Personal Health Record (“PHR”) market, which is being bolstered by the Government’s mandate to modernize data management and shift the ownership of health records back to the individual. In fact, the Federal Government has recently budgeted $19.2B of stimulus money to help defray the cost of this modernization.

GTX Corp has already identified over 60 facilities that operate in a manner similar to LifeSpire that could benefit from implementing this patent-pending solution. At an annual subscription cost of less than twenty dollars per individual, the value proposition of this service is readily evident to these types of institutions and creates a stream of recurring revenues for the Company.

Similar to a loyalty card you might receive from a local supermarket, the Alertag features a QR code that grants immediate access to vital medical history. When the QR code is scanned by a Smartphone or any electronic device with scanning capability, a link will open showing the Alertag holder’s general medical history—including name, address, and emergency points of contact. Larger providers will also have the ability to add their logos and their contact information as the emergency contact for many of the individuals they care for.

In addition to medical facilities utilizing the Alertag system institutionally, individuals suffering from ADD/ADHD, Alzheimer's, diabetes, anemia, asthma, Autism, dementia,  allergies, epileptic seizures, mental impairment, and many other conditions, will benefit from having an Alertag, hence the broader appeal and marketability of the Alertag system to the general consumer.

About GTX Corp (GTXO) - The leader in enterprise 2 way GPS real-time personal location services (PLS) was founded in 2002 and is based in Los Angeles, California with distributors in Mexico, Australia and Nepal and customers in 159 countries. GTX Corp utilizes the latest in miniaturized, low power consumption technology and offers a robust enterprise GPS and cellular location platform to track in real time the whereabouts of people, pets, vehicles and high valued assets. Answering the “where is” question through a licensing business model and providing a complete end to end solution of hardware, middleware, apps, connectivity and professional services. Letting you know where someone or something is at the touch of a button, GTX Corp also owns and operates LOCiMOBILE, Inc which develops applications for smart phones and tablets and Code Amber Alertag. The Company has an aggressive intellectual property strategy and owns an extensive portfolio of patents, patents pending, registered trade marks, copy rights and URL's.

Online: - -
  Product and licensing e mail -
Public Relations contact Suzy Ginsburg (713) 721.4774
Investor Relations

About LifeSpire - Founded 60 years ago and serving over 5,000 people, LifeSpire is committed to the principle that all individuals with a developmental disability may become contributing members of their family and community. It is LifeSpire's aim to provide these individuals with the assistance and support necessary to attain the skills needed to maintain themselves in their community in the most integrated and independent manner possible.

Monday, May 14, 2012

TACA (Talk About Curing Autism Now) and the Code Amber Alertag offer Security and Peace of Mind to your Family.

Keep your children and family secure and safe while
supporting TACA by making a purchase today!

TACA (Talk About Curing Autism Now) and the Code Amber Alertag offer Security and Peace of Mind to your Family.

We are excited about Code Amber AlertTag and TACA partnering to help families living with autism. This innovative product allows families to share basic information with first responders while also offering another option to allow parents a second account/user type for more detailed private file sharing information. -- Lisa Ackerman, Founder, TACA Now.

With each purchase of an Alertag or Family Pack you make, Code Amber will donate a portion of each sale to TACA.

TACA and Code Amber Alertag in the News:

New GPS Technology Helps Track And Safeguard Wandering Autistics
GTX Corp Has GPS Tracking Applications to Find, Assist People with Autism

If the unthinkable happens and your child goes missing, or becomes injured, they should be carrying a TACA approved Alertag. Having portable and secure personal electronic medical records will provide unparalleled security and assurance that you, and your loved ones, will receive the most accurate diagnosis and treatment anytime you, or they, are in need of medical treatment no matter where you are.

Who would benefit from using Alertag

  1. Children that are prone to wander - If at all possible these children should always have an Alertag with them. If they are found by a good samaritan, police or fire officer, emergency contact information along with information on their medical condition(s) is instantly available through the Code Amber Alertag secure web site.
  2. Children that are somewhat independent - These children should always carry an Alertag in case they become confused or lost.
  3. Children that are completely dependent on caregivers - For these children, the caregivers should always have the child's Alertag at hand incase of emergency or an unexpected visit to an unfamiliar doctor or ER. Having the child's complete medical records and medications immediately available in a new medical facility saves invaluable time in determining proper treatment for the child.
  4. Caregivers - You are a child's lifeline and you should also carry an Alertag. If something should happen to you while a child is in your care, the information available to first responders on your Alertag will provide your emergency and medical contact information, so the care of the child will be minimally interrupted and you will be promptly cared for.

Keep your children and family secure and safe while supporting TACA by making a purchase today!

With each purchase of an Alertag or family pack you make, Code Amber will donate a portion of each sale to TACA.

Together we can make a difference...

Online: - - -
General and licensing information - info\
Media - Suzy Ginsburg 713-721-4774 - suzy\

Download your favorite app (or try them all) by clicking the icon that matches your phone above. Or visit our website and see how you can stay connected with friends and family

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

GPS Technology Enhances Quality of Life for Autism due to wandering and safety issues

GTX Corp extends its growing IP portfolio and a partnership with Talk About Curing Autism to develop GPS tracking location based solutions aimed at aiding families living with autism

Los Angeles– May 8, 2012GTX Corp (OTCBB: GTXO), the leader in
customizable, 2-way GPS tracking location based solutions has been granted another utility patent, adding to the company’s growing IP portfolio that includes 11 issued patents, 5 patents pending and 34 U.S. and 28 foreign patents under its license.  The multi-patented GPS technology platform will also soon serve as the foundation for products designed to help the millions of families affected by autism, as a result of a new partnership between GTX Corp and Talk About Curing Autism (TACA).

This new Patent 8,154,401 B1 titled “System and Method for Communication with a Tracking Device” protects many of the vital communications with the GTX Corp backend processes that are currently being used daily by the Company’s licensed enterprise partners and consumers, enhancing the Company’s barriers to entry in the growing $13 billion location based services industry.  “This new patent has 30 claims, including 2 independent claims.  One of the independent claims is directed to a tracking device with remotely configurable settings and the other independent claim is directed to a method of communicating configuration data to a tracking device.  This patent further strengthens the Company’s already extensive IP portfolio and overall value,” said Larry E. Henneman, Jr., Registered U.S. Patent Attorney.

Continued technological innovation and partnerships such as the one between TACA and GTX Corp advances the reality that healthcare is no longer limited to what happens in the hospital.  Healthcare and safety is becoming integrated into our phones, our homes and even our clothing with the convergence of digital and medical technologies. “We are excited to partner with GTX Corp and to begin providing the thousands of families we work with, technical solutions for those diagnosed with autism who wander from their families. This partnership will address the serious safety concerns for the many families we serve,” stated Lisa Ackerman, TACA Founder.

 “With our award winning multi-patented GPS Smart Shoe and patent-pending Alertag we have been at the forefront of connected health for years, providing new levels of functional oversight, security and peace of mind to a variety of audiences and needs,” commented Patrick Bertagna, CEO of GTX Corp. “We look forward to developing and bringing to market new, innovative products that both satisfy the ever-increasing consumer demand for location based solutions and that will help support the families challenged with a special needs child.”

Wandering is an enormous issue for the autism community. Recent research concludes that 48% of children diagnosed with autism wander and are susceptible to injury, death and other safety issues.  This partnership will offer families affected by autism a solution for helping track and potentially assist in keeping their loved one safe.

Recently analyst firm TNS said a majority of people around the world were now recognizing the value of sharing their location. Given the report, almost one fifth, or 19 percent, of the world's mobile users are already using location based services, and more than three times that (62 percent) aspire to do so very soon. With the expectation of this market seeing sizable growth over the next few years GTX Corp is positioning itself well by continuing to build a strong intellectual property portfolio and expand its strategic relationships.

About GTX Corp (GTXO.OB) - The leader in enterprise 2 way GPS real-time personal location services (PLS) was founded in 2002 and is based in Los Angeles, California with distributors in Mexico, Australia and Nepal and customers in 147 countries. GTX Corp utilizes the latest in miniaturized, low power consumption technology and offers a robust enterprise GPS and cellular location platform to track in real time the whereabouts of people, pets, vehicles and high valued assets. Answering the “where is” question through a licensing business model and providing a complete end to end solution of hardware, middleware, apps, connectivity and professional services. Letting you know where someone or something is at the touch of a button, GTX Corp also owns and operates LOCiMOBILE, Inc which develops applications for smartphones and tablets, Code Amber News Service, and Code Amber Alertag. The Company has an aggressive intellectual property strategy and owns an extensive portfolio of patents, patents pending, registered trade marks, copy rights and URL's.


   Product and licensing e mail -
Public Relations contact Suzy Ginsburg (713) 721.4774
Investor Relations

About TACA -Talk About Curing Autism is a national organization, headquartered in Irvine California, dedicated to providing information, resources, and support to families affected by autism. (TACA) provides support, education and information, and resources to almost 30,000 families in the U.S. who are touched by autism. Over 95 percent of TACA’s services are provided at no charge. TACA helps to strengthen the autism community by connecting families with professional assistance and serves to bridge the gap between diagnosis and effective treatment. Further information about Talk About Curing Autism and resources for families living with autism can be found at or by calling (949) 640-4401.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


If you are one of those proactive types- or if you're at particular risk due to age or ailment -these devices can help first responders help you in a moment of need.


Hundreds of thousands of Americans are rushed to the emergency room every day, many with pre-existing medical conditions that could impact treatment.

The Code Amber Alertag solution by GTX Corp. (GTXO), can put critical identification and medical-history data into the hands of first responders, even when a patient is unconscious.

The Alertag contains a QR code that brings up key info when scanned by a first responder's smartphone.

"It's like your own personal safety deposit box," says Patrick Bertagna, CEO,
founder, and chairman of GTX Corp. "Basically anything and everything that would be in your doctor's office in those old file cabinets, you can carry one little piece of plastic that's the size of a stamp." ($ 19.95 for three lags; $20 annual subscription fee)


For an extra measure of security, Lifecomm offers a mobile PERS (personal emergency response system) or "MPERS" unit that integrates accelerometer-based automatic fall detection with GPS technology to make sure help can find you when needed.

"When a fall occurs, or when the individual pushes the button on the device, there's a voice and data connection (and) one of the elements of data we send up is lat/long," says Rich Lobovsky, vice president of business development of Lifecomm, a majority-owned subsidiary of Hughes Telematics. "We identify the PSAP (public-safety answering point) who has jurisdiction... who then dispatches the appropriate first responder to address the need of that individual."


Monday, March 26, 2012

The Code Amber Alertag How Lifespire is Embracing Technology to Revolutionize Emergency Care.

March 26, 2012, New York, N.Y.- - In an environment where nonprofits need to do more but are being given less, embracing technology has become more vital to sustainability than ever before. Organizations such as Lifespire, Inc., have spent the last year integrating technology into their strategic plan, and have seen results not only in their cost savings, but in overall delivery of their services to their clients.

Earlier this year, Lifespire's Article 16 Clinic went electronic-providing an array of services in over 175 locations, Lifespire provided all of their clinicians with Netbooks. The Netbooks not only allow the organization to track what services are being provided at specific locations, but they track the location of service delivery using a built in GPS system, in addition to easing the documentation process for staff and allow for the clients file to be accessible to those who are granted permission within a simple click.

Lifespire's reputation for developing IT solutions resulted in their partnership with Denmark's Team Online-an organization known for being a leader in technology in the field of the disabled. The Bosted system is a user friendly IT solution that can improve and support daily routines of care providers and their organizations. The system is designed to streamline documentation and impact measurements of services and is the result of over ten years of user-driven innovation. "Our advances in technology over the past year have been significant," said Mark van Voorst, Chief Executive Officer of Lifespire. "Not only have we increased efficiency in our daily operations, but we've been able to manage our budget more effectively, collaborate with other organizations to work together for a better future, and above all, provide improved services to our consumers."

Lifespire's commitment to IT impacts more than just their staff and those they directly serve. Lifespire released a new version of the Code Amber Alertag, a wholly owned subsidiary of GTX Corp (GTXO), which will help accelerate the treatment and care of those in need, potentially saving hundreds of lives. Similar to a card you would receive from a local supermarket, the tag features a bar code, however instead of granting the individual access to savings, the QR code grants access to vital medical history. When the QR code is scanned by a Smartphone or any electronic device with a scanning capability, the link will open to the individual's very general medical history-including name, address, and emergency point of contact. One of the first organizations on the east coast to release this new technology, Lifespire hopes to set the tone and encourage others to develop a system of awareness and security for their clients.

"Whether we're partnering with Team Online to streamline our documentation, or ATWEC Technologies, Inc., to install safety systems in our buses and vans, we remain committed to providing quality services efficiently and safely," said van Voorst. Nonprofit's such as Lifespire are setting the bar for other organizations to follow. The more efficient an organization is run, the better programs and services they organization can provide-resulting in increased funding and donor support. For more information about Lifespire and their commitment to IT, or for more information about the organization and those they serve, visit

Friday, February 24, 2012

Code Amber Alertag Testimonial

"I bought the family pack Code Amber Alertags for my parents and husband's parent. Both my husband and I carry ours all the time. My parents always carry theirs. Not only are they carrying theirs but just last week put it to use. My dad went down in a Target store and my mom could not rouse him or get him to come to. They called 911 and the paramedic had no problem retrieving his information from the Code Amber Alertag that he had with him. They knew how to treat him right there in Target. He has a breathing problem and just passed out. So they were able to know what conditions he had and what medications he was on."

Thank you so much for being there for us.
Betty C. Los Angeles

Do you have a testimonial? Please tell us about your experience with Code Amber Alertag.

See more at Code Amber Alertag.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

When You Travel do You Carry Your Medical Records With You?

What would happen if you or a member of your family were in a strange city or even another country and had a medical emergency?

Your personal medical records are back home in your Doctor's office in a file on a shelf. Worse yet, your Doctor's office is closed and they can only help you if the answering service can contact them right away and your Doctor can remember enough about your medications, allergies and any conditions your are being treated for to help your attending physician, or Emergency Medical Technician, with the proper course of treatment. It could be worse, if you are unconscious or incapacitated and cannot speak for yourself, the attending medical professional would not even know whom to try to contact, leaving them no option but to do their best with no pertinent information about you or your current condition.

When time is of the essence, the above scenario is unacceptable and could cost you, or a loved one, their life.

Over 100,000 people die every year from preventable medical errors. That makes this the fifth leading cause of death in the United States alone. Over 90% of those errors could have been avoided if the EMT or doctor had quick and easy access to vital information about the patient when first treated.

Emergency personnel are trained to look for Emergency Medical Information when they arrive on the scene. Unfortunately, they rarely find it.

Fortunately, you have a secure and affordable solution for you and your family that will protect you world wide.

The Code Amber Alertag is always with you and provides secure access (256 bit encryption, the same as your bank uses) to your Personal Medical Records electronically within seconds from anywhere in the world from any Internet enabled device including smart phones. Literally everything a Doctor or EMT would need to know in order to treat you or a family member at their finger tips in seconds.

Code Amber Alertag, never leave home without it.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Los Angeles, CA – January 18, 2012GTX Corp (OTCBB: GTXO), a leader in customizable, patented 2 way GPS Tracking Personal Location Services (PLS) solutions, delivers its second commercial order of 1,500 GPS devices to Aetrex Worldwide, Inc. a global leader in comfort and wellness footwear products. The GTX Corp miniaturized 2 way GPS tracking devices are embedded in the Aetrex Ambulator® collection bringing a reliable, trusted solution for monitoring the location of seniors afflicted with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.

There are over 5.4 million seniors who suffer with Alzheimer’s and over 12 million caregivers that devote their lives to them, with millions more expected as the Boomer population ages; however Alzheimer's represents 60%-70% of all cognitive disorders, so in reality there are close to 9 million Americans suffering from impairments, like Autism, that can lead to wandering. The award winning, patented GPS Shoe solution is the world’s most ground-breaking product containing GPS tracking technology designed to help monitor and locate individuals who have a tendency to wander and become lost.

Professor Andrew Carle of George Mason University recently discussed this potentially lifesaving technology on the CBS Early Show and said, “These are only U.S. numbers with an estimated 25 million cases of Alzheimer worldwide expected to quadruple to 100 million short of a cure.”

With these statistics in mind and the central theme of this years Consumer Electronic Show - “internet - connected consumer devices are game changing…” the Company returned from last weeks largest CES in its 44 year history, with a roadmap to expand its partner alliance to help deliver GPS Shoes to 9 million adults and children in the U.S. with cognitive disorders and millions more across the globe. The Company is developing an aggressive plan to reduce the size of its miniaturized 2 way GPS device, provide a worldwide cellular coverage plan, increase its intellectual property portfolio and add new channel partners domestically and internationally.

For licensing and distribution inquiries please contact GTX Corp at and for consumers interested in purchasing the Aetrex GPS Shoes please go to

The GPS Shoes are available for consumers to purchase in both men’s and women’s styles for $299 with a $30 to $40 monthly monitoring service plan.

# # #

About GTX Corp (GTXO.OB) a leader in enterprise 2 way GPS (Global Positioning System) real-time personal location services (PLS) was founded in 2002 and is based in Los Angeles, California with distributors in Mexico, Australia and Nepal and customers in 141 countries. GTX Corp utilizes the latest in miniaturized, low power consumption technology and offers a robust enterprise GPS and cellular location platform to track in real time the whereabouts of people, pets, and high valued assets. Answering the “where is” question through a licensing business model and providing a complete end-to-end solution of hardware, middleware, apps, connectivity and professional services, letting you know where someone or something is at the touch of a button. GTX Corp also owns and operates LOCiMOBILE, Inc which develops GPS applications for smart phones and tablets, Code Amber News Service, and Code Amber Alertag. The Company has an aggressive intellectual property strategy and owns an extensive portfolio of patents, patents pending, registered trademarks, copy rights and URL's.

Visit online:

Product and licensing -

Investor Relations -

Media - Suzy Ginsburg (713) 721.4774

To learn more about the GPS Shoes go to: or

Safe Harbor Statement

The information made available in this press release contains certain forward-looking statements which reflect GTX Corp.’s current view of future events and financial performance. Wherever used, the words “estimate”, “expect”, “plan”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “may” and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. Any such forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties and the company’s future results of operations could differ materially from historical results or current expectations. Some of these risks include, without limitation, the company’s ability to execute on its contracts, customers acceptance of its products, the market acceptance of two-way tracking devices, managing regulatory compliance and/or other factors that may be described in the company’s annual report on Form 10-K, quarterly reports on Form 10-Q and/or other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Future economic and industry trends that could potentially impact revenue and profitability are difficult to predict. The Company assumes no obligation to publicly update or revise its forward-looking statements even if experience or future changes make it clear that any projected results express or implied therein will not be realized.

GTX Corp does not warrant or represent that the unauthorized use of materials drawn from the content of this document will not infringe rights of third parties who are not owned or affiliated by GTX Corp. Further GTX Corp cannot be held responsible or liable for the unauthorized use of this document’s content by third parties unknown to the company.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

GPS shoe as featured on the CBS Early Show Available Now!

Watch the Video.

If anyone ever wondered if there was a payback for all of the billions of dollars invested in satellites, space travel, computers and the internet, watch this clip from the CBS Early Show.

It would appear that our nation is going to be the victim of a crippling disease for which there is at present no cure. But, technology enterprises, like GTX Corp and it's production and retail partner; Aetrex Worldwide have taken the technology of global location and put it to use affirming for the caretakers of those millions smitten with Alzheimer's the means to find their loved ones despite their inclination to wander.

Turning what seemed at first to be a simple product concept utilizing an existing technology and making it into a practical retail solution took more; time, energy, financing and will power than anyone imagined. But GTX Corp did it and the world will be better for it.